While this live event has passed you can still view a copy of the recording on the Whistler Institute’s You Tube channel: https://youtu.be/dwgdLHNrIDc
The Whistler Institute is pleased to announce its next Global Perspectives Speaker Series event taking place on December 9. In this event, Climate emergency – an action guide for citizens, Dr. Mark Jaccard will speak on how climate-concerned citizens can overcome myths that hinder them from acting in time to prevent extreme climate impacts. Their actions can involve personal consumption choices (electric vehicles, heat pumps) but these only have an effect if citizens are also engaged in the political process and civil society to elect and support climate-sincere politicians. These personal and collective efforts must align with and foster a global strategy of decarbonization, especially in developing countries. “For climate success, we need to understand the combined role of self-interested and wishful thinking biases that prevent us from acting effectively and strategically” explains Dr. Mark Jaccard. “On December 9, be ready to learn what is required on a simple path to climate success and what you can contribute.”
Join presenter Dr. Mark Jaccard and moderator Mayor Jack Crompton for an engaging lecture-style presentation followed by a question and answer session. The event will be followed by an intimate dinner option at Caramba Restaurant for the in-person audience to continue the conversation.view
Speaker Biography

Dr. Mark Jaccard is a Distinguished Professor and Director of the School of Resource and Environmental Management at Simon Fraser University. His Ph.D. is from the University of Grenoble. He researches the design and application of energy-economy models for assessing climate policies. He is an author with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a member of the Royal Society of Canada, and an advisor to governments and non-government organizations on climate policy. Dr. Jaccard’s latest book is The Citizen’s Guide To Climate Success: Overcoming Myths That Hinder Progress, which was shortlisted for the Donner Prize.
The Global Perspectives Speaker Series is designed to stimulate discussion and inspire action around major issues facing the world today and into the future. The Series features accomplished international thought leaders who have made a global impact through evolutionary and even revolutionary advancements in their fields.
The Whistler Institute partners with individuals and organizations to provide opportunities for learning and influencing change by encouraging innovation and creativity in learning; by thoughtful consideration of global issues; by connecting with leading subject matter experts; and by inspiring individuals and organizations to take initiative. The Whistler Institute is a registered charity that is funded through private donors, foundations, government grants and fees for service.
Sponsorship opportunities exist for this excusive event with an engaged audience, view the sponsorship package here.
Media Contact: Suki Cheyne, Executive Director, Whistler Institute, Tel: 604-932-7600, Email: contact@whistlerinstitute.com