Whistler Learning Centre 2020 Year End Review

The Whistler Learning Centre (WLC), like other organizations, has been impacted by COVID-19, resulting in the temporary delay of some offerings and program development.  In response to the pandemic the WLC reduced its expenses and secured emergency support from the Government of Canada. The organization will continue to operate with a lean annual budget until the COVID-19 outbreak is behind us.

Despite the challenges presented by COVID-19 in 2020, the Whistler Learning Centre continued to grow and diversify its course offerings through strong partnerships to meet the needs of the communities in the Sea to Sky Region with:

  • more thought leadership through the innovative Autonomous Vehicle event in the Global Voices speaker series, the link to the recording is available on our website;
  • completion of a new Indigenous Cultural Awareness course in collaboration with the Lil’wat Nation to facilitate local employment of Lil’wat Nation members and support reconciliation efforts;
  • a new partnership with Vancouver Community College, BCIT, and the Ts’zil Learning Centre to conduct a feasibility study for the local delivery of ITA Culinary Cook Programs
  • raised awareness of locally offered educational offerings through WLC channels and website;
  • new rental business for local facilities generated by our concierge service;
  • delivery of Spring and Fall BCIT Business & Leadership courses to re/up-skill the local workforce;
  • creation of a small local Indigenous team to develop three new programs to improve mental wellness in First Nations communities.

As we look ahead to a reimagined future post COVID-19, the WLC can play a vital role in supporting our resort economy and improving quality of life for all. Each of the Whistler Learning Centre’s educational programs contribute directly to a strong, diverse, and resilient Whistler.

Should you wish to support learning in Whistler through donations, sponsorship, or volunteering your time, please contact us by email on contact@whistlerlearningcentre.com or by phone (604) 932-7600. The Whistler Learning Centre is a registered charitable organization with the ability to issue official tax receipts for donations.

We thank you for your continued support and wish you a safe, healthy, and fun festive season ahead.

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